Tuesday 10 May 2011

Our Hand-Made Specialities

Peach & Pineapple Pie 9 inch  -  $24

(To order 1 day in advance)
A delicious oven-baked pie with peach and pineapple filling and topped with light-as-air meringue. It is best served cold. A delightful treat for young and old.


Lemon Meringue Pie  9 inch  - $22

(To order 1 day in advance)
A favourite with those who love all things sourish! Melt-in-your mouth crust with rich, home-made tangy lemon curd filling and finished with thick meringue.

Mini Lemon Meringue Pie - $3.00

( Call us to check for availability daily )
A smaller version of the lemon meringue pie. Great for tea or dessert.


Chicken Pot Pie - $3.00

( Call us to check for availability daily )
A wholesome healthy treat with a creamy chicken and vegetable filling covered by a thin crusty layer. Don't let its size fool you - it fills up the stomach satisfactorily!

Butter Cake - $9.00
( Call us to check for availability daily )
An old-time favourite made lovingly with a hint of zesty orange. A real hit with those who do not have a sweet-tooth. Fragrant and moist.

Brownie Cupcake - $1.80
A special recipe for those who like their brownies soft on the inside and crunchy on the top. Here is brownies in a cup! This is a perfect treat for children and for those looking for somthing to put in a one-month celebration package!

Coming Soon! Banana Walnut Cake!

Rainbow Dreams Bake Shoppe © 2008. Design By: SkinCorner